<aside> 🔗 Share this wiki using this link: www.dermki.com



✨Intro to the Deck

This deck was collaboratively made by multiple medical students and residents. It is also infinitely updatable via AnkiHub so we as a medical community can continually bring it up to date for new content.

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The Dermki deck is hosted on AnkiHub for FREE. You do NOT need an AnkiHub paid subscription to use the deck and get updates.


🙏🏼 HUGE thank you to DermNet for allowing use of their images in this deck! DermNet is the world’s leading free dermatology resource. Click here to check out their content.

🧱What is this based on?

👑What is AnkiHub?

<aside> 💰 This deck also includes Dermnemonics tags and pictures. Get $25 off with code AnkiDerm (non-affiliate)


📖How do I use the deck?

<aside> ‼️ IMPORTANT tip: Type your own notes into the "Personal Notes", "Missed Questions", & “Textbook” fields so that they are protected.


📺Video Tutorials

🏷️What do all the decks & tags mean?

🪟What are all the fields for?

🎨How do I customize the note styling (AnKing Note Types & Add-on)?

🪄Updates & Improvements

👁️How can I help?

The deck could always use more images (clinical, skin of color, dermoscopy, etc). Instructions for how to add images (we have to use certain resources due to copyright) are below.

This google sheet has a list of other “TODO” items as well as tracking sheets for major section updates (i.e. updating an entire section with dermpath, etc. if you want to do more coordinated large updates)